Hello There!


I'm Danie, a Performer, Teacher + Blogger, based out of NYC.

Most days you can find me standing on my hands or ideally in someone else’s hands.

2016 Travel Recap

2016 Travel Recap

Standing Split with Globe Yoga and World Contortion Ballerina

2016 Travel / Acro Recap:

2 Acro Intensives
9 Countries
16 Flights
29 Beds (2 were couches)

Countless Shenanigans & Endless Handstands. Enough Wanderlust to last a lifetime.

Country Breakdown: US, Mexico, France, Scotland, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Canada, Japan.

Scheming and Dreaming and Planning my 2017 Adventures. Stay Tuned!

What's in My Bag? 3 Essential Essentials

What's in My Bag? 3 Essential Essentials