Hello There!


I'm Danie, a Performer, Teacher + Blogger, based out of NYC.

Most days you can find me standing on my hands or ideally in someone else’s hands.

Hand to Hand : Mano a Mano

Hand to Hand : Mano a Mano

Flying standing hand to hand

gives me a rush of endorphins,

and a feeling of euphoria like nothing else.

No matter how many times I do it, or how calm and quiet and focused the base and I are in the moment, once I come down, I am always, always, elated. 

I don't feel like this when I'm right side up. Extended foot to hand (where the base has their arms at full extension overhead) is fun, and similarly dangerous, but does not produce a heart leaping feeling like hand to hand.

I spend my days wishing

to be upside down,

in the air. 

I love the moment when you're calibrated enough with someone that the entry can be a little short, or a little slow, or a little off, and you can recover, calmly. Where you start to develop a range outside of perfect, when you can talk through your hands, and even more challenging, listen.

I live for the moments when hand to hand is a place I can live, where I can just be; when standing on my hands feels as good as standing on my feet, when hand to hand to is home.

Hand to Hand Handstand Trick on the beach in St Petersburg Florida
Prepping & Packing for Your (My) First Camping Trip!

Prepping & Packing for Your (My) First Camping Trip!

Long Term Travel Secrets: Ask Me Anything

Long Term Travel Secrets: Ask Me Anything